M ilissa L evi

H appiness or Sadness

Oil on canvas, 60x60

P ainting M

In the process of creating the sculptures and subsequently the painting, I explored sculptural and painting techniques, applying them to convey form and volume, as well as experimenting with linguistic aspects, which allowed me to create two different visual representations of the same letter, in different languages and cultures, exploring the influence of different artistic styles on the works

P assing of Time

The concept of movement and time is intriguing, particularly in daily routines. It seemed like a constant race against time. The human body reacts differently to waiting, loss of time, and uncomfortable actions and situations. Hands can reflect time through age, experience, and fatigue. Person is in motion, but his hands are static. Such interpretation of time in general and of waiting as one of the points

E xhibitions
histor y

Independent Contemporary Art exhibition "Reflect" by artist Milissa Levi in collaboration with Hanna Yurkevskaya and Anna Chernykh. In this exhibition, reality was shown through the eyes of adolescents facing emotional experiences on their creative and life paths. The artists presented their views on the things that surround people in everyday life through interaction with other objects, combining techniques

A bout
m e

My name is Milissa Levi. I am an artist, contemporary art activist, as well as an organizer and facilitator of creative events throughout Moscow. I have knowledge and practical experience in various fields and areas of contemporary art, such as oil painting, sculpture, installation, photography, video art and others. I gained a deeper understanding of these felds through my higher education at the British Graduate School of Design

Milissa Levi